The To-Syn-Fuel project wants to build-up, operate and demonstrate the production of synthetic fuels and green hydrogen from organic biomass, mainly from sewage sludge, by the integration of a new technology process. As a result, the project will produce fully equivalent gasoline and diesel substitute and green hydrogen for use in road transport. This project will be the platform for the deployment of the first pre-commercial scale facility of the technology processing up to 2,100 T/year of dried sewage sludge into 210,000 L/year of liquid biofuels, contributing towards 35 million tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) savings and diversion from organic waste from landfill.
A study on the social assessment of the To-Syn-Fuel project products will be performed during next months. The social impacts of the project products for different stakeholders (consumers, scientific community, producers, oil companies, NGO’s, etc.) will be evaluated by focusing the analysis on the consumer perceptions.
This survey [link:] is part of the social assessment, and it will be useful in order to gather data regarding consumer perceptions about synthetic fuels.
Let us know your perceptions in regards to synthetic fuels by taking part in our short survey [link:]
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